proc divmod {C N} {
set answer [list]
if {($C <= 0) || ($N <= 0) || ($C < $N)} {
return $answer
set element [expr $C / $N]
set remainder [expr $C % $N]
for {set count 0} {$count < $N} {incr count} {
lappend answer $element
if {$remainder != 0} {
for {set count 0} {$count < $remainder} {incr count} {
set myvalue [lindex $answer $count]
incr myvalue 1
lset answer $count $myvalue
return $answer
puts -nonewline "Please input a number C: "
flush stdout
gets stdin C
puts -nonewline "Please input a number N: "
flush stdout
gets stdin N
set myanswer [divmod $C $N]
puts "The answer list: $myanswer"
Tcl: divmod
Given positive integers C and N, find N numbers that sum up to C and the difference between the highest and the lowest of these number should
not be more than one. For example: with C = 26 and N = 7, the desired output is [4 4 4 4 4 3 3].
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