
freeWrap version 6.6

freeWrap 6.6 released (supports TCL/TK 8.6.0)

Changes implemented in version 6.6
  1. This version is based on TCL/TK 8.6.0.
  2. FreeWrap is now distributed as a 64-bit application. 
  3. The freeWrapPLUS variation has been discontinued. The regular freeWrap variation contains any added extensions. 
  4. Tkpng is no longer included in freeWrap since the TCL/TK core itself now supports PNG image formats. 
  5. SQLite is now included as part of the regular TCL 8.6 distribution and is packaged as such. 
  6. BLT is no longer included in freeWrap since BLT does not support TCL/TK 8.6. 
  7. TCLLIB (version 1.15) is now included in freeWrap at the virtual directory of /tcllib1.15
  8. TKLIB (version 0.5) is now included in freeWrap at the virtual directory of /tklib0.5 
  9. The virtual directory structure has been modified to better reflect the normal TCL/TK directory layout.

freeWrap 6.6 對應的版本是 Tcl/Tk 8.6.0,change log 我已經轉貼過來了。

我想把 Tcllib 和 Tklib 包在一起也好,Tcllib 一開始就有 Tcl standard library 的企圖,而 Tklib 則是掛在 Tcllib 下面。

