
Tcl/Tk 8.6.16

 Tcl/Tk 釋出了 8.6 系列的新版本,8.6.16

這個版本的主要更新內容可以參考 tcltk-release-notes-8.6.16.txt


   * Regression in [clock] timezones due to revised tzdata format
   * Improper startup if [pwd] contains a file named init.tcl
   * Fix crashes or hangs in...
      - TclOO + coroutine, oo-1.25
      - lifecycle management of the attributes of a menu entry
      - [grid] and [pack] handling of half-dead argument
      - Tk_DeleteErrorHandler()
      - overwrite of thread data by Tk initialization in second interp
   * Prevent negative zlib stream checksums, zlib-15.1
   * Filesystem path efficiency from skipping unnecessary normalization
   * Revised [clock scan] consistent with leap second timestamp validation
   * Updated bundled packages, libraries, standards, data
      - Itcl 4.3.2
      - sqlite3 3.47.2
      - Thread 2.8.11
      - TDBC* 1.1.10
      - tcltest 2.5.9
      - tzdata 2024b, corrected
