Apache Rivet 釋出了 3.2.x 系列的新版本,3.2.2。
- A memory leak was fixed in Rivet_Var (src/mod_rivet_ng/rivetCore.c)
- Installation and TEA scripts were updated
- The form [::rivet::var all] accepts an optional flat list argument of key-value pairs which are defaults of query variables (yes, this argument must be interpreted as a dictionary). This form generalizes the [::rivet::var get <varname> <default>] command form to [::rivet::var all]
- Tests for this new form were added. Also ::rivet::var related tests in general were improved
- Configuration directive HonorHeaderOnlyReqs, though still supported, was renamed as HonorHeadRequests. Default for this directive is now 'On'