
Apache Rivet 3.2.2

 Apache Rivet 釋出了  3.2.x 系列的新版本,3.2.2。


  • A memory leak was fixed in Rivet_Var (src/mod_rivet_ng/rivetCore.c)
  • Installation and TEA scripts were updated
  • The form [::rivet::var all] accepts an optional flat list argument of key-value pairs which are defaults of query variables (yes, this argument must be interpreted as a dictionary). This form generalizes the [::rivet::var get <varname> <default>] command form to [::rivet::var all]
  • Tests for this new form were added. Also ::rivet::var related tests in general were improved
  • Configuration directive HonorHeaderOnlyReqs, though still supported, was renamed as HonorHeadRequests. Default for this directive is now 'On'


Tcl 8.6.12 for DOS

在瀏覽 FreeDOS 網站的時候,我發現了 Tcl 8.6.12 for DOS 這個訊息(由 Ben Collver 提供的 patch release),檔案有被 mirror 一份到 Ibiblio /files/devel/tcl

很有趣的事情,DOS 的市場份額可能很小,但是還是一直有人使用。


PgTcl 3.0.0




* Remove TCL_ARRAY optional code, it hasn't been updated or maintained in years.


釋出的原始碼包裡 configure.in 裡的版本還是 2.7.7,如果使用者會在意這件事的話,可以自己修正這件事(在 configure.in 檔案將 2.7.7 改為 3.0.0,然後執行 autoconf, ./configure 與 make)。