You are given numerator and denominator i.e. $N and $D.
Write a script to convert the fraction into decimal string. If the fractional part is recurring then put it in parenthesis.
#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
proc fractionToDecimal {numerator denominator} {
set n $numerator
set d $denominator
if {$n==0} {
return "0"
if {($n > 0) ^ ($d > 0)} {
set solution "-"
} else {
set solution ""
set n [expr abs($n)]
set d [expr abs($d)]
# integral part
append solution [expr $n / $d]
set n [expr $n % $d]
if {$n==0} {
return $solution
append solution "."
# fractional part
set mymap [dict create $n [string length $solution]]
while {$n != 0} {
set n [expr $n * 10]
set r [expr $n / $d]
append solution $r
set n [expr $n % $d]
if {[dict exists $mymap $n]==1} {
set index [dict get $mymap $n]
set result [string range $solution 0 [expr $index-1]]
append result "("
append result [string range $solution $index end]
append result ")"
set solution $result
} else {
dict set mymap $n [string length $solution]
return $solution
if {$argc != 2} {
set n [lindex $argv 0]
set d [lindex $argv 1]
puts [fractionToDecimal $n $d]