# The Database endpoint provides an interface to an entire database with
# in CouchDB. These are database-level, rather than document-level requests.
oo::class create CouchDB_Database {
variable host
variable port
variable database
variable authtype
variable username
variable password
variable firstcookie
variable authSession
set host $HOST
set port $PORT
set database $DATABASE
set authtype $AUTHTYPE
set username $USERNAME
set password $PASSWORD
set firstcookie 0
set authSession ""
destructor {
method send_request {url method {headers ""} {data ""}} {
# Now support authtype: no basic cookie
if {[string compare -nocase $authtype "basic"]==0} {
set auth "Basic [base64::encode $username:$password]"
lappend headers Authorization $auth
} elseif {[string compare -nocase $authtype "cookie"]==0} {
set cookiestring "AuthSession=$authSession"
lappend headers Cookie $cookiestring
if { [string length $data] < 1 } {
set tok [http::geturl $url -method $method -headers $headers]
} else {
set tok [http::geturl $url -method $method -headers $headers -query $data]
if {[string compare -nocase $authtype "cookie"]==0 && $firstcookie==1} {
set meta [http::meta $tok]
foreach {name value} $meta {
if {[string compare $name Set-Cookie]==0} {
set firstlocation [string first "=" $value]
incr firstlocation 1
set lastlocation [string first "; " $value]
incr lastlocation -1
set authSession [string range $value $firstlocation $lastlocation]
set res [http::data $tok]
http::cleanup $tok
return $res
# Initiates new session for specified user credentials by providing Cookie value.
method cookie_post {} {
set firstcookie 1
set myurl "http://$host:$port/_session"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"]
set data [::http::formatQuery name $username password $password]
set res [my send_request $myurl POST $headerl $data]
set firstcookie 0
return $res
# Returns complete information about authenticated user.
method cookie_get {} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/_session"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set cookiestring "AuthSession=$authSession"
lappend headers Cookie $cookiestring
set res [my send_request $myurl GET $headerl]
return $res
# Closes user’s session.
method cookie_delete {} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/_session"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set cookiestring "AuthSession=$authSession"
lappend headers Cookie $cookiestring
set res [my send_request $myurl DELETE $headerl]
return $res
# Creates a new database.
method create {} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl PUT $headerl]
return $res
# Gets information about the specified database.
method info {} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl GET $headerl]
return $res
# Delete a new database.
method delete {} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl DELETE $headerl]
return $res
# Creates a new document in the specified database,
# using the supplied JSON document structure.
method db_post {data} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl POST $headerl $data]
return $res
# Returns a JSON structure of all of the documents in a given database.
method all_docs_get {{data ""}} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/_all_docs"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl GET $headerl $data]
return $res
# The POST to _all_docs allows to specify multiple keys to be
# selected from the database.
method all_docs_post {data} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/_all_docs"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl POST $headerl $data]
return $res
# The bulk document API allows you to create and update multiple
# documents at the same time within a single request.
method bulk_docs {data} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/_bulk_docs"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl POST $headerl $data]
return $res
# Requests the database changes feed
method changes {{data ""}} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/_changes"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl GET $headerl $data]
return $res
# Request compaction of the specified database.
method compact {} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/_compact"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl POST $headerl]
return $res
# Commits any recent changes to the specified database to disk.
method ensure_full_commit {} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/_ensure_full_commit"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl POST $headerl]
return $res
# Removes view index files that are no longer required by CouchDB as a
# result of changed views within design documents.
method view_cleanup {} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/_view_cleanup"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl POST $headerl]
return $res
# Returns the current security object from the specified database.
# If the security object for a database has never been set, then the
# value returned will be empty.
method security_get {} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/_security"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl GET $headerl]
return $res
# Sets the security object for the given database.
method security_put {data} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/_security"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl PUT $headerl $data]
return $res
# Creates (and executes) a temporary view based on the view function
# supplied in the JSON request.
method temp_view {data} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/_temp_view"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl POST $headerl $data]
return $res
# A database purge permanently removes the references to deleted
# documents from the database.
method purge {data} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/_purge"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl POST $headerl $data]
return $res
# With given a list of document revisions, returns the document
# revisions that do not exist in the database.
method missing_revs {data} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/_missing_revs"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl POST $headerl $data]
return $res
# Given a set of document/revision IDs, returns the subset of those
# that do not correspond to revisions stored in the database.
method revs_diff {data} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/_revs_diff"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl POST $headerl $data]
return $res
# Gets the current revs_limit (revision limit) setting.
method revs_limit_get {} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/_revs_limit"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl GET $headerl]
return $res
# Sets the maximum number of document revisions that will be tracked by
# CouchDB, even after compaction has occurred.
method revs_limit_put {data} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/_revs_limit"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl PUT $headerl $data]
return $res
# Method for Apache couchDB Document API
# Each document in CouchDB has an ID. This ID is unique per database.
# Gets the specified document.
method doc_get {id {data ""}} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/$id"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl GET $headerl $data]
return $res
# Stores the specified document.
method doc_put {id data} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/$id"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl PUT $headerl $data]
return $res
# Deletes the specified document.
# rev - Actual document’s revision
method doc_delete {id rev} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/$id"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
lappend headerl If-Match $rev
set res [my send_request $myurl DELETE $headerl]
return $res
# Copies the specified document.
# destination – Destination document
method doc_copy {id destination} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/$id"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
lappend headerl Destination $destination
set res [my send_request $myurl COPY $headerl]
return $res
# Returns the file attachment associated with the document.
# revision is Document revision.
method docid_attachment_get {id attname revision} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/$id/$attname"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
lappend headerl If-Match $revision
set res [my send_request $myurl GET $headerl]
return $res
# Uploads the supplied content as an attachment to the specified document.
# revision is Document revision.
# ContentType need give it a Attachment MIME type. Required!
method docid_attachment_put {id attname revision ContentType data} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/$id/$attname"
set headerl [list Content-Type $ContentType]
lappend headerl If-Match $revision
set res [my send_request $myurl PUT $headerl $data]
return $res
# Deletes the attachment attachment of the specified doc.
# revision is Document revision.
method docid_attachment_delete {id attname revision} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/$id/$attname"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
lappend headerl If-Match $revision
set res [my send_request $myurl DELETE $headerl]
return $res
# In CouchDB, design documents provide the main interface for building
# a CouchDB application. The design document defines the views used to
# extract information from CouchDB through one or more views.
# Returns the contents of the design document specified with the name
# of the design document and from the specified database from the URL.
method designdoc_get {ddocument} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/_design/$ddocument"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl GET $headerl]
return $res
# The PUT method creates a new named design document, or creates a new
# revision of the existing design document.
method designdoc_put {ddocument data} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/_design/$ddocument"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl PUT $headerl $data]
return $res
# Deletes the specified document from the database.
method designdoc_delete {ddocument revision} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/_design/$ddocument"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
lappend headerl If-Match $revision
set res [my send_request $myurl DELETE $headerl]
return $res
# The COPY (which is non-standard HTTP) copies an existing
# design document to a new or existing one.
# destination – Destination document
method designdoc_copy {ddocument destination} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/_design/$ddocument"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
lappend header1 Destination $destination
set res [my send_request $myurl COPY $headerl]
return $res
# Returns the file attachment associated with the design document.
# The raw data of the associated attachment is returned (just as if
# you were accessing a static file.
method designdoc_attachment_get {ddocument attname revision} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/_design/$ddocument/$attname"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
lappend headerl If-Match $revision
set res [my send_request $myurl GET $headerl]
return $res
# Uploads the supplied content as an attachment to the specified
# design document. The attachment name provided must be a URL encoded string.
# revision is Document revision.
# ContentType need give it a Attachment MIME type. Required!
method designdoc_attachment_put {ddocument attname revision ContentType data} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/_design/$ddocument/$attname"
set headerl [list Content-Type $ContentType]
lappend headerl If-Match $revision
set res [my send_request $myurl PUT $headerl $data]
return $res
# Deletes the attachment of the specified design document.
# revision is Document revision.
method designdoc_attachment_delete {ddocument attname revision} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/_design/$ddocument/$attname"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
lappend headerl If-Match $revision
set res [my send_request $myurl DELETE $headerl]
return $res
# Obtains information about the specified design document, including
# the index, index size and current status of the design document and
# associated index information.
method designdoc_info {ddocument} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/_design/$ddocument/_info"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl GET $headerl]
return $res
# Executes the specified view function from the specified design document.
method designdoc_view_get {ddocument viewname {data ""}} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/_design/$ddocument/_view/$viewname"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl GET $headerl $data]
return $res
# Executes the specified view function from the specified design document.
method designdoc_view_post {ddocument viewname data} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/_design/$ddocument/_view/$viewname"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl POST $headerl $data]
return $res
# Executes update function on server side for null document.
method designdoc_update_post {ddocument updatename data} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/_design/$ddocument/_update/$updatename"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl POST $headerl $data]
return $res
# Executes update function on server side for null document.
method designdoc_updatename_post {ddocument updatename docid data} {
set myurl "http://$host:$port/$database/_design/$ddocument/_update/$updatename/$docid"
set headerl [list Accept "application/json" Content-Type "application/json"]
set res [my send_request $myurl PUT $headerl $data]
return $res
使用 TclOO 包裝一小部份 Apache CouchDB 的 API (使用 http package 與 Apache CouchDB 溝通) ,可以用來建立 database,建立新的文件,取得目前的資訊,與刪除資料庫。
(* 2015/12/08 更新)
package require couchdbtcl
set username danilo
set password danilo
set myserver [CouchDB_Database new localhost 5984 wiki basic $username $password]
set response [$myserver create]
puts $response
set response [$myserver db_post {{"text" : "Wikipedia on CouchDB", "rating": 5}}]
puts $response
set response [$myserver info]
puts $response
set response [$myserver delete]
puts $response