You are given two strings $S and $T. Write a script to find out count of different unique subsequences matching $T without changing the position of characters.
- Given the string T is an empty string, returning 1 as an empty string can be the subsequence of all.
- Given the string S is an empty string, returning 0 as no string can be the subsequence of an empty string.
#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
# You are given two strings $S and $T.
# Write a script to find out count of different unique
# subsequences matching $T without changing the position
# of characters.
proc findSubsequenceCount {str1 str2 n m} {
array set mat {}
if {$m > $n} {
return 0
if {$m == 0} {
return 1
if {$n == 0} {
return 0
set nvalue [tcl::mathop::- $n 1]
set mvalue [tcl::mathop::- $m 1]
if {[string index $str1 $nvalue] != [string index $str2 $mvalue]} {
return [findSubsequenceCount $str1 $str2 $nvalue $m]
} else {
return [tcl::mathop::+ [findSubsequenceCount $str1 $str2 $nvalue $m] \
[findSubsequenceCount $str1 $str2 $nvalue $mvalue]]
if {$argc != 2} {
set s1 [lindex $argv 0]
set s2 [lindex $argv 1]
set n [string length $s1]
set m [string length $s2]
set r [findSubsequenceCount $s1 $s2 $n $m]
puts "Output: $r"
#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
# You are given two strings $S and $T.
# Write a script to find out count of different unique
# subsequences matching $T without changing the position
# of characters.
proc findSubsequenceCount {str1 str2} {
array set mat {}
set n [string length $str1]
set m [string length $str2]
if {$n == 0 && $m == 0} {
return 1
if {$m > $n} {
return 0
# An empty string can't have another string as suhsequence
for {set i 1} {$i <= $m} {incr i} {
set mat($i,0) 0
# An empty string is subsequence of all
for {set j 0} {$j <= $n} {incr j} {
set mat(0,$j) 1
for {set i 1} {$i <= $m} {incr i} {
for {set j 1} {$j <= $n} {incr j} {
set ivalue [tcl::mathop::- $i 1]
set jvalue [tcl::mathop::- $j 1]
if {[string index $str2 $ivalue] != [string index $str1 $jvalue]} {
set mat($i,$j) $mat($i,$jvalue)
} else {
set mat($i,$j) [tcl::mathop::+ $mat($i,$jvalue) $mat($ivalue,$jvalue)]
return $mat($m,$n)
if {$argc != 2} {
set s1 [lindex $argv 0]
set s2 [lindex $argv 1]
set r [findSubsequenceCount $s1 $s2]
puts "Output: $r"