VecTcl v0.3:
This is a checkpoint release. Bugfixes since 0.2 are included.
VecTcl 在最近釋出了 v0.3 版,所以我更新了我自己的 openSUSE RPM spec 以進行測試。
Apache Rivet and DIO
Apache Rivet 提供了 DIO 套件存取資料庫。而 DIO::Postgresql 是以 Pgtcl 作為底層的套件。
我先在 PostgreSQL 建立一個表格 Notes 作為測試:
接下來撰寫一個簡單的程式測試 Apache Rivet。
建立檔案 tdbcnoteservices.tcl,將資料庫的實作部份放在這裡(使用 tdbc::postgres):
再來就是測試我比較不熟悉的 DIO 套件,建立 dionoteservices.tcl 檔案,然後實作同樣的功能:
這樣只要 source 的檔案不同,就可以測試不同的資料庫實作部份。
我先在 PostgreSQL 建立一個表格 Notes 作為測試:
create table if not exists Notes (id uuid DEFAULT md5(random()::text || clock_timestamp()::text)::uuid,
title varchar(255), body text, created timestamp, PRIMARY KEY (id));
接下來撰寫一個簡單的程式測試 Apache Rivet。
建立檔案 tdbcnoteservices.tcl,將資料庫的實作部份放在這裡(使用 tdbc::postgres):
package require tdbc::postgres
proc getAllNotes {} {
set rows {}
tdbc::postgres::connection create db -user danilo -password danilo -port 5432
set stmt [db prepare {select * from Notes order by created}]
$stmt execute
set rows [$stmt allrows -as lists]
$stmt close
db close
return $rows
proc getNote {id} {
set myparams [dict create id $id]
tdbc::postgres::connection create db -user danilo -password danilo -port 5432
set stmt [db prepare {select * from Notes where id = :id}]
$stmt execute $myparams
set rows [$stmt allrows -as lists]
$stmt close
db close
return $rows
proc addNote {title body} {
set myparams [dict create title $title body $body]
tdbc::postgres::connection create db -user danilo -password danilo -port 5432
set stmt [db prepare {INSERT INTO Notes (Title, Body, Created) values (:title, :body, now())}]
set resultset [$stmt execute $myparams]
set rowcount [$resultset rowcount]
$resultset close
$stmt close
db close
return $rowcount
proc updateNote {id title body} {
set myparams [dict create id $id title $title body $body]
tdbc::postgres::connection create db -user danilo -password danilo -port 5432
set stmt [db prepare {UPDATE Notes SET Title = :title, Body = :body where Id = :id}]
set resultset [$stmt execute $myparams]
set rowcount [$resultset rowcount]
$resultset close
$stmt close
db close
return $rowcount
proc deleteNote {id} {
set myparams [dict create id $id]
tdbc::postgres::connection create db -user danilo -password danilo -port 5432
set stmt [db prepare {DELETE FROM Notes where Id = :id}]
set resultset [$stmt execute $myparams]
set rowcount [$resultset rowcount]
$resultset close
$stmt close
db close
return $rowcount
再來就是測試我比較不熟悉的 DIO 套件,建立 dionoteservices.tcl 檔案,然後實作同樣的功能:
package require DIO
proc getAllNotes {} {
set rows {}
set db [::DIO::handle Postgresql -host localhost -port 5432 -user danilo -pass danilo -db danilo]
set rows [list]
$db forall {select id, title, body, created from Notes order by created} row {
set myrow [list $row(id) $row(title) $row(body) $row(created)]
lappend rows $myrow
$db destroy
return $rows
proc getNote {id} {
set rows {}
set db [::DIO::handle Postgresql -host localhost -port 5432 -user danilo -pass danilo -db danilo]
set query "select id, title, body, created from Notes where id = '$id'"
set rows [list]
$db forall $query row {
set myrow [list $row(id) $row(title) $row(body) $row(created)]
lappend rows $myrow
$db destroy
return $rows
proc addNote {title body} {
set db [::DIO::handle Postgresql -host localhost -port 5432 -user danilo -pass danilo -db danilo]
set arrayVar(Title) $title
set arrayVar(Body) $body
set arrayVar(Created) "now()"
set rowcount [$db insert Notes arrayVar]
$db destroy
return $rowcount
proc updateNote {id title body} {
set db [::DIO::handle Postgresql -host localhost -port 5432 -user danilo -pass danilo -db danilo]
set arrayVar(Id) $id
set arrayVar(Title) $title
set arrayVar(Body) $body
set rowcount [$db update arrayVar -table Notes -keyfield Id]
$db destroy
return $rowcount
proc deleteNote {id} {
set db [::DIO::handle Postgresql -host localhost -port 5432 -user danilo -pass danilo -db danilo]
set rowcount [$db delete $id -table Notes -keyfield Id]
$db destroy
return $rowcount
這樣只要 source 的檔案不同,就可以測試不同的資料庫實作部份。
tclws 2.6.2
ANNOUNCE: tclws 2.6.2 released
Web Services for Tcl provides both client side access to Web Services and server side creation of Web Services. Currently only document/literal and rpc/encoded with HTTP Soap transport are supported on the client side.
tclws 這次只有 client 端的修正。我也更新了我自己的 openSUSE RPM spec。
Web Services for Tcl provides both client side access to Web Services and server side creation of Web Services. Currently only document/literal and rpc/encoded with HTTP Soap transport are supported on the client side.
tclws 這次只有 client 端的修正。我也更新了我自己的 openSUSE RPM spec。
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