
stdout and stderr

在使用 exec 執行 git clone B2G 的 source code 時,希望可以看到目前的情況,所以:

set B2G_git [list git clone https://github.com/andreasgal/B2G.git B2G >@stdout 2>@stderr]
puts "Using git clone B2G source code..." 
exec {*}$B2G_git

# Purpose: Get B2G project source code
# Update date: 2012/06/24

# global variable
set B2GDir [pwd]
append B2GDir "/B2G"

set B2G_GIT "https://github.com/andreasgal/B2G.git"

# get_source procedure: using git clone to get source code
proc get_source {} {
  puts "########## get start ##########"

  set B2G_git [list git clone $::B2G_GIT B2G >@stdout 2>@stderr]
  puts "Using git clone B2G source code..." 
  exec {*}$B2G_git

  puts "########## get end ##########"

# update_source procedure: using git pull to update source code
proc update_source {} {
  puts "B2G folder exists!!! --- try to update"
  set git_pull [list git pull >@stdout 2>@stderr]

  puts "########## upate start ##########"

  cd $::B2GDir
  set fileExist [file exists .git]
  if {$fileExist > 0} {
    puts "Using git pull to update B2G source code..." 
    exec {*}$git_pull
  } else {
    puts "Error!!!"
    puts "B2G folder exists but no .get folder!!!"

  puts "########## upate end ##########"

# Main procedure, get B2G project source code
if {$argc > 0} {
  set argv0 [string toupper [lindex $argv 0]]
  if { [expr [string compare $argv0 "GET" ] == 0] } {  
    set fileExist [file exists $B2GDir]
    if {!$fileExist} {
    } else {
  } elseif { [expr [string compare $argv0 "UPDATE" ] == 0] } {
    set fileExist [file exists $B2GDir]
    if {!$fileExist} {
       puts "B2G folder does not exist!!!"
    } else {
} elseif {$argc == 0} {
  puts "User does not use GET or UPDATE parameter..."
  puts "Check B2G folder..."
  set fileExist [file exists $B2GDir]
  if {!$fileExist} {
  } else {